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The duly appointed Nominating Committee invites members of COK SODALITY to nominate suitable candidates to fill vacancies at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) on the Committees listed below:

• Board of Directors – Four (4) vacancies
• Credit Committee – Two (2) vacancies
• Supervisory Committee – Five (5) vacancies

The Application Package is available at all branches of COK Sodality, its Head Office and on its website at:
Nominations by Petition from Members are subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Nominations to fill one of the vacancies on the above listed Committees shall be made by Petition.
2. The completed Petition shall be signed by at least five (5) members, each of whom must be in good standing with COK SODALITY.
3. The completed Petition shall be supported by the following documents:
(i) Brief Statement of Qualification and Experience of the Candidate;
(ii) Letter signed by the Candidate agreeing to the nomination and to serve on the Committee, if recommended and elected; and
(iii) Volunteer Application Form with a Passport-Sized Photograph.

4. All Petitions and supporting Documents (The Application Package) must be submitted on or before the closing date. Any Application Package received after the closing date shall be returned unopened.

5. The Application Package can be submitted electronically or physically in the manner stated below:

Physical copy: Shall be placed in a sealed envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and addressed to:

COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union Limited
66 Slipe Road
Kingston 5
St. Andrew


ATTENTION: The Nominating Committee/Chief Executive Officer
and delivered to any branch of COK Sodality.

Electronic copy: Shall be sent via electronic mail to [email protected].
• For the Nomination by Petition to be considered by the Nominating Committee, all information must be provided and supporting documents completed and provided with the submission.
This Notice is no more than an invitation to nominate suitable candidates and is not a guarantee that the person nominated by Petition will be recommended and placed before the members for election at the AGM. The Nominating Committee is obligated to review each nomination by Petition, interview each Candidate and make such enquiries as to determine the Candidate’s suitability to fill the vacancy.

CLOSING DATE for the submission of the Application Package is Friday, March 15, 2024 by 3:00 pm (local time).



Privacy Notice:

A credit union is a member-owned financial cooperative, democratically controlled by its members, and operated for the purpose of promoting thrift, providing credit at competitive rates,
and providing other financial services to its members. Data collection, processing and use are conducted solely for the purpose of carrying out the above-mentioned objectives. COK Sodality is
committed to protecting the privacy of our employees and volunteers. For further information regarding the processing of information about you and other general purposes and to provide you with information on further processing please see our Privacy Policy at



DATED: February 2, 2024



We deeply appreciate your interest in exploring an opportunity to participate in COK Sodality Co-operative Credit Union Limited’s (COK Sodality’s) Nomination process to become a volunteer through election. All positions shall be filled by Petition by members deemed suitable candidates and in good standing with the Credit Union.
Our volunteers play an essential role in the success of our organization as they make up our Board of Directors, Credit Committee or Supervisory Committee. Our Volunteers dedicate significant personal time to fulfilling their duties. This includes preparing for and attending in-person meetings, virtual meetings, training seminars and other events. On average, our volunteers dedicate a minimum of Fifteen (15) hours monthly to their responsibilities. Thus, please note that this is purely voluntary, with only modest financial compensation for the services rendered.


Documents below: