COK Sodality in the Community

COK Sodality Cooperative Credit Union Ltd (COK) forms a part of a network of individuals who wish to make a difference in our country. It’s easy…Something as simple as making other people smile, or spreading kindness starts a chain reaction that ultimately benefits all of us.

What does COK Sodality do for the Community?
We devote much of our attention to supporting worthy causes. Each year, our members approve a special “Outreach” budget from which grants are disbursed. Our focus areas are education, HIV/AIDS and entrepreneurship.

How it Works
Our staff culture is one of giving. We help the under privileged tap into millions of dollars and we distribute these monies annually in Jamaica. Equally, through our networking we are able to raise awareness and participation by hooking into Social Media and engaging members in participating in our outreach projects.

Why it Works
Annually, our staff members raise funds for selected organizations such as the Margaret Rodgers Foundation, which sees to the education of several orphaned children at the primary school level. COK awards scholarships annually to two university students and 15 high school students. COK adopted two schools – St. Peter Claver Primary in Kingston and Hamilton Gardens Basic in St. Catherine and continues to donate resources to these schools.

In 2004, COK established a HIV/AIDS fund and between 2004 and 2008 COK donated $2,000,000 to eight charities working on the frontline in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

By virtue of a wider and more flexible bond and programs, COK assists micro businesses and entrepreneurs. Members, who are Entrepreneurs, are encouraged to borrow, as our loan rates are highly competitive and payments terms are very reasonable.

How to Donate

Improving your community is a worthy cause and we make donating super easy. The fund remains open and we invite donations via contributions to account number: 4379489


As part of our corporate social responsibly in our drive to help build the communities that we serve, we offer a number of scholarship opportunities that are available to a member of the credit union and their children.

Click here to apply